Direktiv 99/92/EX eller ATEX 137 reglerar minimikraven som en arbetsgivare måste uppfylla för att förbättra säkerheten för personal i utsatta miljöer. I huvudsak ställer den krav på att arbetsgivaren skall identifiera samtliga potentiellt explosiva miljöer. Dessa skall sedan utvärderas systematiskt och klassificeras enligt nedan.


Direktiv 1999/92/EG kallas även ATEX 137, och handlar främst om hur risker med arbete i explosionsfarliga miljöer motverkas. Direktiv 1999/92/EG skall inte förväxlas med Eu-ropaparlamentets och rådets direktiv,1994/9/EG om tillnärm-ningen av medlemstaternas lagstiftning om utrustningar och

ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosibles) is a directive outlining a number of technical and quality objectives that must be complied with to the  De richtlijn wordt ook wel “ATEX 137” of “ATEX-richtlijn voor de bescherming van werknemers” genoemd, omdat hij verwijst naar artikel 137 van het VEG  The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU replaced the previous ATEX Directive 94/9/EC 1999/92/EC is mentioned as "the ATEX 137 Directive", being based on the  29 окт 2018 Две директивы включают директиву 99 / 92 / EC, которая также называется ATEX 137 или директивой ATEX Workplace, а также  1999/92/EC. Covers the safety and protection of workers in “EX” areas. The two directives are also known as ATEX 100a and ATEX 137 because they refer to  The Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137), establishes the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from  equipment categories to zones are defined in EU Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137). Transitional periods.

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Vågarna är framtagna för  C40S-S137, C40E-S137. Säkerhetsljusridåer. C4000 Standard ATEX II 3G/3D. Ex-godkännande: ATEX för gas: II 3G Ex nA op is IIC T4 Gc X, ATEX för damm: II  ATEX 137 Användardirektivet (direktiv 1999/92/EG) handlar främst om hur risker ATEX 100 Produktdirektivet (direktiv 1994/9/EG handlar om vilken utrustning  2 och 1 resp. 22 enligt direktivet 1999/92/EG (ATEX 137). 2.

The ATEX 137 Directive is the ‘User’ Directive which corresponds to the ATEX 95 Directive (Directive 94/9/EC) for manufacturers which sets out essential health and safety requirements for equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

There are two EU Directives ATEX 95 (94/9/EC) and ATEX 137 (1999/92/EC) concerning, respectively, the supply and the use of equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres. The term ‘ATEX’ is an acronym, derived from the French title of the 94/9/EC Directive. ATEX regulations on safety in explosive atmospheres are put into effect by two EU Directives, ATEX 137 and ATEX 95. ATEX 137 is known as the Workplace Directive.

Директива по безопасности на рабочем месте ATEX 137, или 1999/92/EC, предназначена для работодателей. Работодатель обязан принять все 

ATEX 95 – direktivet om explosionsfarliga omgivningar. 2014/34/EU (om upphävande av direktiv 94/9/EG). ATEX 137 – direktiv 99/92/EG om  LOGITRANS ATEX EX · LOGITRANS Rullhantering Mer ATEX PRODUKTER Mer. Manuella Lyftblock PMH Kabelvagn 137.stp · PMH Kabelvagn 137.pdf.

Atex 137

S. MONTERINGSANVISNING. Elektrischer Stellungsrückmelder. ATEX. DE. ORIGINAL RL 1999/92/EG ATEX 137), sowie nationale Bestimmungen. ATEX certifierade: SCHILLING portalkranar och andra lyftprodukter är även certifierade för ATEX zon 1-miljöer.
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. For information relating to amendments and interpetation under Brexit please refer to the November 2020 guidance notes. Explosive Atmospheres Directive (ATEX 137) ATEX 137 concerns worker health and safety in those workplaces where potentially explosive atmospheres may be present.

The ATEX Directive logo is used in many forms but the black and white logo on the left is the official version 28.1.2000 EN OfficialJournaloftheEuropeanCommunities L23/57 DIRECTIVE 1999/92/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 1999 It is often also referred to as “ATEX 137” or the “ATEX Worker Protection Directive” as it refers to Article 137 of the European Treaty to provide protections to workers. Due to subsequent changes of TFEU, Article 153 is now relevant. Directive 99/92/EC (‘ATEX 137‘ or the ‘ATEX Workplace Directive’) refers to minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers at risk from explosive atmospheres.
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A.4: Einfügen des Richtlinientextes in der jeweiligen Landessprache durch die Kommission

Direktiven kallas av många ATEX 95 (eller ATEX 100a) respektive ATEX 137. Tidigare krävdes Ex-godkännande för elmateriel till zon 0 och 1. Atex ställer krav  ATEX Workplace Directive EN. English Directives · Offentlig kanal / Directives. Avmeld Abonner.